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Make a big splash with your own routine

Writer's picture: Chris WorkmanChris Workman

Updated: Jul 21, 2022

Creating and sticking to a routine can be one of the most important aspects of your life. Routine allows us to focus on our goals and create healthy habits, but it's easy to get off track when you aren't consistent. This is why it's so important to make a big splash with your own routine!

Waking up early

“A morning routine is the key to starting your day off strong. By waking up at the same time every morning, you're teaching your body when it's time to get up and active—rather than hoping that you'll wake up when nature calls.”

The first thing you should do after waking up is stretch and hydrate! This will help get blood flowing throughout your body, which makes you feel more awake and energized.

If possible, spend some time outside in nature first thing in the morning. It doesn't have to be long (just 5-10 minutes), but being surrounded by greenery is sure to boost both mood and productivity levels for the rest of your day!

Getting to the Gym

To get the most out of your workout, it's important to arrive at the gym with a plan. There's no need to reinvent the wheel here—the trainers at any good gym will be happy to help you create a routine based on your goals and experience level.

Once you're committed to a schedule, stick with it! It can be tempting to skip workouts at the last minute when other demands come up in life. Try scheduling those appointments before or after your workout so that they don't interfere with whether or not you get there on time.

The trick is staying motivated while maintaining balance in other areas of your life as well; if possible, try targeting specific areas for improvement rather than focusing on losing weight overall (which may seem overwhelming). For example: "I want my arms toned" instead of "I want to lose 10 pounds."

Fuel your body with clean eating

“You are what you eat!”

  • Eat more vegetables and fruit. Try to eat at least 5 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruit every day.

  • Eat whole grains instead of processed grains like white flour, white rice, or other refined foods that have been stripped of their fiber and nutrients in the refining process.

  • Choose lean proteins such as fish, beans, nuts, tofu and chicken breast over red meat or processed meats like deli meats or bacon.

  • Avoid alcohol (except for an occasional glass of wine), sugar-sweetened beverages like soda pop or sports drinks as well as artificial sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda) because they can increase appetite and make it difficult to lose weight even if you're eating fewer calories than normal -- which is why they should be avoided altogether!

Focus on your goals

The first step is to figure out what you want. Easy, right? Not so fast. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of your life and lose sight of why you’re working out in the first place. If you don't know where you're going, how do expect to get there?

The second step is setting goals that are specific and measurable, making them easier to achieve (and also more fun). For example:

  • "I'm going to run three miles on my lunch break" vs. "I'm going to exercise more".

  • "My goal weight is 180 pounds" vs. "I want my clothes fitting better."

The third step is staying motivated by tracking your progress towards achieving those goals! This can be done by weighing yourself every week or using an app like My Fitness Pal or Fitbit (which also tracks steps taken each day). When we see positive changes happening as a result of our efforts, it helps us stay focused on making further improvements towards our ultimate goal(s).

Create a schedule

  • Create a routine. You’re probably familiar with the concept of routine by now, but do you know how to create one that works for you? Here are some ideas:

  • Write down a schedule for yourself in advance. Planning out your days ahead of time will help prevent last-minute stress, and it can also help prevent you from forgetting important things like appointments or homework assignments if they fall on certain parts of your schedule.

  • Keep track of what times are best suited for specific tasks. Some people do better working at night while others prefer mornings or afternoons; find out which time slots work best for each task so that you can stick to them every day.

  • Think about what factors will make sticking to this new schedule easier (e.g., having snacks nearby) or harder (e.g., leaving early enough so there’s no reason not to get started).

Drink plenty of water

When you're thirsty, your body needs water. But even when you're not thirsty, your body still needs to be replenished with moisture.

Water is essential for the body to function properly and it can help reduce fatigue, headaches and constipation. Water also helps us keep our weight in check by making us feel fuller faster so we eat less food overall. In fact, drinking more than eight glasses of water (or another recommended amount) every day can actually help people lose weight!

If you're feeling tired or sluggish at work or school today (and who isn't?), this may be due to dehydration—and it happens more often than you think! Here are a few tips on how not only do proper hydration levels benefit us psychologically but physically as well:

Get plenty of sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health. Sleep is essential for good health, both physical and mental. Lack of sleep has been linked to weight gain and obesity. It also increases your risk for diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

In addition to getting better sleep, there are several simple ways to ensure that you get enough rest:

  • Set a regular bedtime hour each night and stick with it - even on weekends!

  • Avoid watching TV or using electronics right before bedtime (the light emitted from these devices can disrupt your natural body clock).

  • Try not to eat big meals right before going to bed (these foods can make it difficult to fall asleep). If possible, don't eat any heavy food items within two hours of going to bed either (breakfast isn't necessary if you eat dinner early enough).

Creating a routine is an important part of life, but it can be difficult to stick to if you are not consistent.

Creating a routine is an important part of life, but it can be difficult to stick to if you are not consistent. A routine helps us stay on track and achieve our goals. Instead of wasting time on things that don’t matter, we can focus on those that do. Routines also help us feel more energized, focused, productive and confident about the tasks ahead.

You may think that this does not apply to you because your schedule is already so busy with work or school obligations. But creating a morning ritual will make a huge difference in how much energy and confidence you have throughout the day!

If you want to make a big splash in your life, start by creating a routine. It can be difficult to stick to if you are not consistent. Try these tips and tricks to create your own routine that will help you improve all aspects of your life: waking up early, going to the gym and eating cleanly!

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